
The Logophile's Corner

An opus on sports,culture,travel,literature and much more….


Short Stories

Mudita-A tale of joy & freedom

Hello, This is a story based on my first experience of flying a kite.I hope you enjoy reading it and do get inspired to fly a kite soon. Mudita-A tale of joy and freedom The golden rays were already sinking... Continue Reading →

THE QUEST OF THE RISING PHOENIX-A prequel to the magical world of Harry Potter(2)

Chapter 2-The Marauders James was as thrilled as anybody to become the Head Boy but he knew he had his task cut out with the open war happening outside this castle. The war had penetrated deep within the castle too... Continue Reading →

THE QUEST OF THE RISING PHOENIX-A prequel to the magical world of Harry Potter

Chapter 1-The Beginning Freya knew that the day was going to be awful when she woke up with a splitting headache from all the fire whisky she had the previous night. The all-night party was to celebrate all of her... Continue Reading →

An open letter to Earth

Hi, Hope you've been good.In honour of world environment day,I wrote a letter to Earth.Let me know how you feel about it! Dear Earth, I hope you still can hear me through the honks and rattles of these machines.I wish... Continue Reading →

An open letter to my best friend

Dear Best Friend, Neither have we been the best of friends from the moment we laid our eyes on each other nor did I know that we would make such a good team.We stumbled across each other when we were... Continue Reading →

Three Line Tales(#1)

Hello! I came across an interesting challenge on Only 100 Words.The challenge is to write a story on the photo provided in just 3 lines. photo by Nick de Partee via Unsplash A Flickering Light She was drawn to the green... Continue Reading →


Hello! I found this interesting daily prompt on The Daily Post and decided to give a go at it. Prudence The world was his to own when he sketched the busy streets with colourful pens. The classrooms, to him, were just walls... Continue Reading →

Twittering Tales(#2)

Hi! This is the second edition of Twittering Tales that I am participating in.The challenge is weekly held by Kat Myrman. Check out her blog for various interesting topics and poems. I enjoyed doing the challenge the previous time(Twittering Tales(#1)) and... Continue Reading →

Twittering Tales(#1)

Hi! I found this new challenge on Kat Myrman's  interesting blog. This is the first time I am trying this challenge. It sounds very fun and creative. The challenge is about writing a short story within 140 characters on a picture put... Continue Reading →

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